Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications 2023-07-02T15:40:57+00:00 Alam Budiman Thamsi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications (JESTA)</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish and disseminate original research articles on the latest developments in all fields of engineering science and technology applications. The journal publishes original papers, which contribute to understanding engineering science and improving engineering technology and education. The articles may be theoretical (including computational), experimental, or both.</p> <p>JESTA invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute their studies and research by submitting original articles and not simultaneously submitting articles to other journals or conferences. Journal covers topics related to engineering fields in civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, informatics engineering, computer science, mechatronics engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, construction engineering, industrial engineering, chemical engineering, mining engineering, environmental engineering, applied technology, and other engineering fields.</p> Analisis Penentuan Kedalaman Penanaman Pipa Flowline Untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Upheaval Buckling 2023-07-02T15:21:17+00:00 Jamal Rauf Husain Arif Nurwaskito Muhammad Syahril <p><em>A force inside a pipe drains fluid from wells producing oil and natural gas. When the power works exceed the pipe's maximum resistance limit, it will cause deformation in the line. This research aimed to evaluate the height of the trench to determine the threshold of tremendous friction force working on the pipe to withstand the axial force, which can cause upheaval buckling. The method used is the calculation of stress analysis. The line of 12 inches measured its style and voltage was planted in the trench with l.5 meters high and 3 meters wide and the soil density of 14.70kN/m3. The data used in the calculation were the design pressure, the outside diameter of the pipe, the minimum melting point of the line, the design factor, the factor of pipe connections, the derating factor, the modulus young, the thermal expansion coefficient, the pipe installation temperature, the maximum operating temperature, the Poisson ratio, the internal pipe pressure, the sectional area of the inner pipe, the pipe cross-sectional area, the depth of pipe planting, the trench width, the value of pipe nondimension, and the soil density of flowline area. The analysis result indicated that the friction force is 356,025.71N/m, and the axial force is 44,927.35N/m. These results showed that the friction force working on the pipe could withstand the axial force working. The cost of making the trench can still be decreased by reducing the height of the track to l m. The excellent friction force in the channel with a size of lm is 252,501.92N/m, where the value is still more significant than the axial force. In conclusion, the friction force working with the trench lm high can still hold the axial force working on the pipe.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications Analisis Kebutuhan Alat Angkut Dump Truck HD 985 Pada Kegiatan Long-Haul Pengangkutan SSP 2023-07-02T15:25:17+00:00 Sri Widodo Kisman Kisman Arif Nurwaskito <p><em>Mining activities must always be supported by mechanical equipment that can work optimally to create satisfactory results with minimal cost and effort. Periodic control must also always be carried out because it relates to the company's production target. This research aims to determine the production of the HD985 dump truck conveyance and obtain the amount of lift needed for screening station product (SSP) transportation activities. This research was conducted using data collection methods in the field, discussions with several employees, and existing literature. Then processing is carried out by calculating data from the area using a specific formula and then analyzing the results of the calculations that have been obtained. Based on estimates, it was found that the production of the HD985 dump truck conveyance reached 69.46 tons/hour. And for the number of rides needed with a target tonnage of 1,000 tons, namely 2 units, for a target of 2,000 tons, 4 units are required; for a target of 3,000 tons, 6 units are needed, for a target of 4,000 tons, 8 units are required, for a target of 5,000 tons, 10 teams are needed.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications Efisiensi Kerja Pemboran Eksplorasi Pada PT Vale Indonesia 2023-07-02T15:28:40+00:00 Hasbi Bakri Alam Budiman Thamsi Sahabuddin Sahabuddin <p><em>Exploration activities nickel (Ni) which is one of the stages, is where the exploratory drilling work efficiency is one of the main factors that can describe how good a job has been done. The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency of exploration drilling. This research method is done by direct observation in the field. The data that was obtained was a record time of any activities during the working day in the form of exploration drilling activity, inserting the inner tube in the core barrel, an empty lap, then taking out further drilling in the core barrel inner tube, prepare the inner tube, add pipes, and re-inserting the inner tube core barrel. There are other activities that the problems of the inner tube not landing. The inner tube can not rise, smoothing supplies drilling, pulling out the pipe, moving the drilling tool and equipment, preparation of drilling, transportation, accessibility, preparatory work crew, safety talk/meeting, checking tool, refueling, wait for dozer, crew return preparations, waiting for a supervisor/geologist, waiting for the crew, weather problems, rest, waiting to go home, repair, and water issues. This study obtained an efficiency increase of 44.43% in drilling work. Concluded the drilling work efficiency is still below the working efficiency standards applied by the company by 50%.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications Pembersihan Sumur Gas Pada Produksi Gas Alam 2023-07-02T15:33:21+00:00 Agus Ardianto Budiman Nurul Magfirah Jamal Rauf Husain <p><em>Natural gas is an alternative energy source in current industrial development, so the demand for natural gas is increasing. The purpose of this research is to activate the function of the well so that it can resume production. The healthy cleaning method used is the clean-up method. This method is a method of removing pressure shut-off fluid in wells by using chokes of various sizes. The type of choke used is a fixed choke. The completeness of the data used is in the form of well testing data on the well, gas composition, and the amount of dead liquid included as a comparison. From the results of research on each well, it is known that in the Walanga#1 well, with 30 barrels of liquid raised and a pressure of 1,080 psi, Walanga#2, with 14 barrels of liquid lifted and a force of 1,080 psi, Walanga#3 with 38 barrels of liquid lifted and a pressure of 1,078 psi, Sampi-sampi # 1 with 80 barrels of liquid raised and a pressure of 1,050 psi. Therefore, based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the dead liquid was not lifted to its maximum. Still, the pressure in the wells had reached its maximum value and returned to normal conditions so that the four wells could resume production.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications Penentuan Lokasi PLTU Ditinjau dari Aspek Fisik dan Geografis Pada PLTU PT Bosowa Energi 2023-07-02T15:40:57+00:00 Andi Ashari Cahyadi Sri Widodo Arif Nurwaskito Habibie Anwar <p><em>Choosing the correct and strategic location can make a big profit for the factory. Conversely, the factory can retain if the factory's site selection is strategic. The purpose of this study is To determine the factors in determining the location of the construction of PLTU PT. Bosowa Energy and know the climate parameter of PLTU PT. Bosowa Energy. The stages and methods of research conducted consisted of four steps: the process of research stages, methods of data retrieval, data processing and locations of data analysis, and the set of report generation. The data taken are primary and secondary; after the data is collected, data are analyzed to determine the factors determining PLTU PT location. Bosowa Energy. PLTU PT. Bosowa Energy in Bangkala Subdistrict Kabupate Jeneponto South Sulawesi Province This location has a climate among other air temperature areas ranging between 18,20 - 27,00 ̊C, rainfall area is quite wet, speed and direction of angina average ranged from 2 until 3 knots, Relative air humidity average 64.8 - 83.5%. The conclusions of this journal are the factors in determining the location of the balance of network, industrial areas, and water areas and climate parameters of rainfall, temperature, humidity, and wind speed.</em></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Applications