Journal of Geology and Exploration <p><strong>Journal of Geology and Exploration </strong>is a scientific journal with open access published twice yearly (June and December). This journal accepts scientific papers from within and outside the country. JGE aims to publish research articles in the geology field and focuses on applied science issues in mining exploration engineering, geology, and geophysics. This journal is a medium for disseminating research information for lecturers, researchers, and practitioners. JGE accepts articles from original research, case study articles, and scientific review articles. This journal was founded in 2022 by Insight Publisher in Makassar, South Sulawesi.</p> <p><strong>Journal of Geology and Exploration </strong>opens a new era for the publication of geoscientific research articles in English, covering geology, geophysics, geochemistry, paleontology, structural geology, mineralogy, petrology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, environmental geology, economic geology, petroleum geology, hydrogeology, remote sensing, and mining exploration.</p> <p> </p> CV Insight Publisher en-US Journal of Geology and Exploration 2963-3869 Identification of Geothermal Prospect Zones in Bittuang Area Based on Remote Sensing and Geochemical Data <div><span lang="EN-GB">The research location is in the Bittuang area located in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The high level of risk of geothermal drilling at the exploration stage requires integrated geological and geochemical analysis. The integrated analysis is poured into the geothermal system conceptual hypothesis model used to identify geothermal prospect zones. This study focuses on Remote Sensing and Geochemistry methods. To identify the existence of geological structures and lithological interpretation as well as surface manifestations, Remote Sensing is used. Based on the results of Remote Sensing interpretation, the research area consists of 13 rock units of Tertiary to Quaternary age with geological structures in the form of normal faults and horizontal faults that are relatively north-northwest-southeast east and southwest-northeast. The manifestations present on the surface consist of traces of fumaroles and hot springs. The hot springs consist of the chloride type in the centre of the site and the bicarbonate type in the south of the study area. The results of geothermometer calculations of geochemical data obtained a subsurface temperature of 176 -198 °C, which is categorized as <em>a moderate to high temperature geothermal system</em>. The geothermal conceptual model built based on the integration of geological and geochemical data shows that the geothermal system is influenced by volcanic activity and controlled by the structure of the research area. The area of the prospect is about 4 km2 with the up-flow area in the middle of the area while the outflow is in the South.</span></div> Ali Imran Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Geology and Exploration 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 3 1 1 12 10.58227/jge.v3i1.136