Journal of Mining Insight <p><strong>Journal of Mining Insight (JMI)</strong> adalah publikasi yang berfokus pada topik-topik terkait industri pertambangan, termasuk eksplorasi, penambangan, pengolahan, dan pemasaran mineral dan logam. Journal of Mining Insight memuat artikel-artikel tentang penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi yang berkaitan dengan industri pertambangan, serta isu-isu lingkungan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, regulasi, dan perkembangan ekonomi dalam industri tambang.</p> en-US (CV INSIGHT PUBLISHER) (Habibie Anwar) Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Pemantauan Dan Pengelolaan Air Pada Tambang Batubara PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama Kabupaten Berau Provinsi Kalimantan Timur <p><em>In the mining industry, especially coal mining of PAF materials which are the source of mine acid formation when interacting with water (H<sub>2</sub>O) and air (O<sub>2</sub>) Should be managed as best as possible to minimize acid mine water in the pit before the water is pumped out. This research aimed to determine the method used in handling AAT forming material and to discover whether the quality of wastewater from the settling pond is by wastewater quality standard. The stages and processes of research consist of four steps: data retrieval techniques, data processing, data analysis stages, and the report generati</em><em>on stage</em><em>. The data taken are primary data</em><em>,</em><em> such as inlet and outlet pH and the types of PAF and NAF rock and secondary data</em><em>,</em><em> which are company profile data required in report writing. After the data </em><em>is </em><em>collected, the data is analyzed to determine the method used in PT.</em><em> Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama</em> <em>(</em><em>BUMA</em><em>)</em><em> for AAT handling. In the prevention </em><em>of </em><em>the establishment of AAT PT. BUMA applies </em><em>a </em><em>capsulization method for handling AAT PT. BUMA has WMP. Water quality with pH parameters at inlet zone 4 and outlet 6, TSS ranged from 6 - 4, Fe &lt;0.02, Mn 2.67 – 2.77. the conclusion of this research is handling the establishment of AAT PT. BUMA performs two ways: the</em> <em>capsulization method and provision of lime neutralizing materials; </em><em>the </em><em>water pH in the sediment pond that is four while the pH of water issued is 6</em><em>,</em><em> and the amount of lime required is 765,534 kg. Water flowed by PT. BUMA has met the wastewater quality standard set by Kep. Men LH no. 113 the year 2003.</em></p> Purwoto Sukamto, Sri Widodo , Alfian Nawir , Alam Budiman Thamsi Copyright (c) 2023 Purwoto Sukamto, Sri Widodo , Alfian Nawir , Alam Budiman Thamsi Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Identifikasi Bahaya Dan Pengendalian Risiko Sebagai Upaya Mencegah Dan Mengurangi Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja Pada Tambang Batubara Provinsi Kalimantan Timur <p><em>Occupational safety and health is a problem that has always been related to the world of work since the beginning of the industrial world began is the emergence of work accidents in their activities that have the potential to cause hazards and work accidents such as property damage, lost time injury to cause fatality . The purpose of this study is to determine the identification of hazards and control the risk of work accidents based on the determination of the risk value of the source of hazard and appropriate control to reduce and eliminate the risk of hazards. The research method carried out is to descriptively describe the situation or object in facts with direct observation. The first thing to do is to find the source of danger using hazard source data, potential hazard data, and K3LH performance report data, then hazard identification and risk assessment based on OHSAS references. Hazards that have been identified are evaluated for risk level. The results of the study found the source of danger that often occurs, namely the concentration of very thick dust and the absence of warning signs. Based on the results of the study, the evaluation carried out is to identify hazards based on the source of hazards obtained in the field and assess and control the source of hazards to reduce the risk of work accidents. From the assessment results, 4 types of risks were obtained, namely four near-miss risks, four property damage risks, three lost time injury risks, and three fatality risks. Conclusions Based on the results of hazard identification and risk control, the hazards that must be prioritized are the risk of fatality and the risk of lost time injury.</em></p> Muh. Heri Azis, Anshariah Anshariah, Arif Nurwaskito Copyright (c) 2023 Muh. Heri Azis, Anshariah Anshariah, Arif Nurwaskito Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Relief Topografi Terhadap Daerah Prospek Nikel Laterit Kecamatan Bahodopi Kabupaten Morowali Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah <p><em>Nickel laterite deposit is a result of weathering processes of ultramafic rocks which carry Ni-Silicate. Generally the deposit is found from tropical to subtropical climates. The aim of this research was to find out the influence of the ground slope to the thickness zone of the nickel laterite based on the cross-section of the drill hole. The research method was to create the cross-section nickel laterite. The data ware obtained from assay data, coordinate, drilling points distribution, and cross-section of the drill hole. From cross-section of the drill hole, the data regarding the level of Ni and Fe were obtained. From the hole id 5A</em><em>_</em><em>0171, the lowest Ni level for limonite was 0.19%, and the highest level was 1.17% and for the Fe level, the lowest was 32.13% and the highest was 49.84% with the depth ranging from 0 to 18 metres. The lowest Ni level for the saprolite was 0.79% and the highest was 2.04% whereas for the Fe level, the lowest was 9.97% and the highest was 15.77% with the depth ranging from 18 to 25 metres. The lowest Ni level for the bedrock was 0.29% and the highest was 0.56% whereas for its Fe level, the lowest was 6.91% and the highest was 8.67% with the depth ranging from 25 to 27 metres. The concluding data for the sloppy areas from the steep to slightslopes was that the limonite zone tended to follow the surface morphology pattern with the thickening occurrence in the steep slopes however the saprolite zone did not follow the surface morphology but it became thick in the steep slopes.</em></p> Sri Epi Astuti, Anshariah Anshariah, Habibie Anwar, Djamaluddin Djamaluddin Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Epi Astuti, Anshariah Anshariah, Habibie Anwar, Djamaluddin Djamaluddin Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perencanaan Kebutuhan Pompa Untuk Sistem Dewatering Tambang Emas Desa Bakan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow <p><em>One of the most frequent problems in open pit mining methods is the presence of water puddles in the lowest elevation of the pit. This often causesthe delay of production activities.Therefore, it is a need to design a good drainage system planning to deal with it. In this regard, pumps were needed. The aim of this research was to determine the of needed pumps and the best type of pumps to remove water in the pit effectively. This research used maps of mining sequence planningwhich would be then analysed with software Surpac 6.5.1.This was to identifythe width of catchment area. Furthermore, the rainfall data wasanalysed using polygon Thiessen method. The next process is to determine the rainfall plan with Gumbel method. Next was to determine the rainfall intensity plan by using Mononobe equations. Following this was determine the total discharge using rational method. Finally, the process was ended with the determining of the pumps type and pumps spesification to dry the water puddles in the pit. the result indicated that in the sump of the 3rd quarter 2020 with 100 l / sec pumping flow, pumping time 14 hours, total head 76.26 m, recommended pump type is a Multiflo MFC 385 with a rotation speed of recommendation per minute of 1400-1500, and an efficiency of 60% -65%. For 4th quarter sump 2020 with 105l / sec pumping discharge, 20 hour pumping time, total head 105,91 m, recommended type of pump is Multiflo MFC 385 with rotation speed recommendation permenit 1600-1700, with efficiency 60%. For the 1st quarter sump 2021 with a pumping rate of 102 l/sec, the pumping time is 20 hours, total head is 122.26 m, the recommended type of pump is Multiflo MFC 385 with a rotation speed of recommendation per minute 1700-1800, with 50% -60% efficiency. It can be suggested that it is necessary to add one more pump, Multiflo MFC 385, for the dewatering pit process.</em></p> Annisya Putri Hamdan, Anshariah Anshariah, Hasbi Bakri, Firman Nullah Yusuf Copyright (c) 2023 Annisya Putri Hamdan, Anshariah Anshariah, Hasbi Bakri, Firman Nullah Yusuf Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pembuatan Blok Model Estimasi Sumberdaya Nikel Laterit Dengan Metode Inverse Distance di Wilayah Blok “X” Pada PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk <p><em>Block model is an attempt to produce estimates of mineral deposition wich is used as a reference for the mining process. The research objective to provide volume and tonnage estimation. The research method using conventional methods Inverse Dictance, needed the data among which the assay data, the data collar, geological data, and survey data. Research carried out by the number of drill point as much as 275 points and a drill spacing of 50 meters and 25 meters generate the amount of resources that have been calculated in the block model in the amount of resources that the limonite layer of 1,210,938 tonnes with the average levels of Ni: 0.8%, Co: 0.08%, Fe: 42.3%, SiO2: 7.8% and MgO: 1.21%. And for saprolite tonnage of 445,090 tonnes with the average levels of Ni: 1.91%,Co:0.18%, Fe: 32.78%, SiO2: 25% and MgO: 7.08%. </em></p> Burhanudin Burhanudin, Jamal Rauf Husain, Hasbi Bakri Copyright (c) 2023 Burhanudin Burhanudin, Jamal Rauf Husain, Hasbi Bakri Tue, 31 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000