Karakterisasi Fe₂O₃ Hasil Sintesis Hijau Menggunakan Ekstrak Buah Dengen (Dillenia serrata)

Characterization of Fe₂O₃ from Green Synthesis Using Dengen Fruit Extract (Dillenia serrata)


  • Nurmalasari Institut Teknologi Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
  • Nurhalima
  • Suaedi
  • Suriyanto Bakri
  • Syukrika Putri
  • Yusri Prayitna




Fe2O3, Nanoparticle, Dillenia Serrata;, XRF


FeO has many functions, including as a pigment and as a semi-conductor material. The use of this material depends on its characteristics. In this study, the characterization of FeO nanoparticles produced from green synthesis was carried out. Dengen fruit extract was used as a chelating agent with iron sand raw material from the Pajallesang River, Palopo City. The synthesis was carried out using the sol-gel method at pH 4.7. The gel sample was calcined at temperatures of 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C, after which it was characterized using XRD and XRF. The average crystallite size of FeO particles in iron sand and after being synthesized at temperatures of 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C were respectively 40.09 nm, 36.67 nm, 31.46 nm, and 69.04 nm. The increase in calcination temperature affects the FeO content, where the higher the temperature used, the lower the FeO content obtained. The FeO content in iron sand and after synthesis at temperatures of 600°C, 700°C, and 800°C were respectively 70.4%, 91.04%, 90.01%, and 88.82%


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