Author Guidelines

Journal of Industrial Engineering Innovation is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal. Article processing or submission of manuscripts is submitted to the managing editor through an online system or by using the OJS Open Access publishing model. Authors can use articles that have been published in PDF format for both non-commercial use on personal websites and non-commercial institutions. All articles published in Open Access are free for everyone to read and download.

General Author Instructions

Journal of industrial engineering innovation accepts manuscripts in the form of original research papers in the field of industrial engineering including manufacturing technology, production systems, logistics and supply chain, information systems, product design and development, quality management, operational research, risk management, management projects, ergonomics and industrial work design, industrial maintenance and repair management.

Manuscripts are written in Indonesian, except for abstracts, which must be in Indonesian and English for submission. All manuscripts must be submitted to the Editorial Office of the Journal of Industrial Engineering Innovation using online submission at the E-Journal portal address here, where authors register as authors online. If the author has problems with online submissions, please contact the Editorial office at the following email:

The Journal of Industrial Engineering Innovation has a screening policy for plagiarism. We use Anti-Plagiarism Software “Turnitin” to check the authenticity and originality of articles.


Article Writing Templates and Guidelines, as follows:

  1. Manuscripts must consist of the following scientific article components (subheadings in order), namely: (a) Article Title, (b) Author Name (without title), (c) Author Affiliation Address, (d) Abstract and Keywords, (e) Introduction, (f) Methodology, (g) Results and Discussion, (h) Conclusion, (i) Acknowledgments (if any), and (j) Bibliography.
  2. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English with a maximum of 15 pages including references. Manuscripts must be written according to the template in print-ready form.
  3. The manuscript is typed in A4 size (2.54 X 2.54) cm and written in Times New Roman font according to the script template.
  4. Each image must be given a title (Figure Caption) and placed at the bottom of the image. Images can be printed clearly (font size, resolution, and line size). Figures and tables and diagrams/schematics should be placed columnar between a group of text or in the middle of the page if they are too large.
  5. The conclusion contains a summary description of the results and a discussion concerning the research objectives. Suggestions are based on the research findings that have been discussed. Suggestions can be in the form of practical actions, theory development, and/or new studies.
  6. If any, acknowledgments may be given to those who provided research grants or financial assistance and support, departmental and institutional support, or to professionals who have contributed to the preparation of this report.
  7. Bibliography, writing rules using APA. All references used in writing a bibliography are arranged according to the alphabet, not the appearance of the article.
  8. Reference sources are in the form of literature published in the last 10 years maximum. The references used are primary sources in the form of research articles in journals or research reports, books, or articles linked from official sources. To maintain consistency in the way of referring, citing, and writing a bibliography, we recommend using standard reference applications such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, and Refworks.


Artikel Asli


Penulis. (Tahun). Judul Artikel. Nama Jurnal, Vol.(No), Halaman.


Widyaningrum, D. (2021). Pengukuran kualitas pelayanan pasien BPJS di UPT. Puskesmas Alun-                   Alun Gresik dengan menggunakan metode Servqual dan AHP. JUSTI (Jurnal Sistem dan                     Teknik Industri)1(3), 381-391.

Buku Pedoman:


Penulis. (Tahun). Judul Buku. Tempat Terbit: Penerbit.


      Arif, M. 2016. Rancangan Teknik Industri. Yogyakarta: Deepublish.

Prosiding Konferensi:


Penulis.(Tahun, Bulan). Judul Artikel. Nama Conference/Seminar, Halaman.


Sari, M. P., & Hartanti, S. (2021, Maret). Rancang Bangun Digital Library Program Studi Teknik                 Industri Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo. PROSIDING SNAST, 210-219.



Penulis. (Tahun). Judul Disertasi/Tesis/Skripsi. Afiliasi Universitas.


Satria, M. E. (2018). Analisis Penyebab Muskuloskeletal Disorder (MSDs) Pada Packaging                            Minuman  Dengan Metode Rula dan Owas. Skripsi. Universitas Brawijaya.


Ronald, J. L. 2006. Customizable light bulb changer. United States of America. US20050178246.